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2.5 Using the Bookmarks

The Bookmark editor is opened by selecting Open from the Bookmarks menu (Hotkey Amiga-B). Here you can add, delete or edit URLs for your own WWW phone book. Double click on a group to open it, or dowble click on an entry to send Voyager to it. Bookmarks are more commonly accessed via the Bookmarks page (Hotkey Amiga-G).

The Internal Bookmark Page allows you to click on a URL to go there. Each bookmark has the same name as the one in the Bookmarks GUI's "Title" box.

New Group (Hotkey G) adds a new group name to the listview. You can't associate a URL with a group name, they just keep bookmarks of the same kind together. New Bookmark (Hotkey B) manually adds a bookmark to any group. Just fill in the details in the string gadgets.
You can add a page as the most recent bookmark. Just hit the "Add" button while Voyager is displaying it.
The Duplicate button (Hotkey D) makes a copy of a bookmark, while the Remove button (Hotkey R) removes it completely. You can make one group a Menu Group with the Menu button (Hotkey M). This group's bookmarks appear in the menu, under the bookmarks controls. Select the menu item to go to that URL.

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